Morbidly Beautiful

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74 Days of Video Nasties

Fellow horror fans! Keep your eyes peeled over the next 74 days as I take on the monster task of watching every one of the films on the infamous Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) “Video Nasties” list, films which were said to violate the Obscene Publications Act of 1959. The DPP 74 includes the Video Nasties (72 films that were on the official list) and 2 that were commonly associated with the list. I’ll review each film, discussing what I liked and didn’t like as well as each film’s place in video nasty history. If you don’t know much about the video nasties and how they all made it on to a list of ‘films to watch out for’, I highly recommend watching Video Nasties: The Definitive Guide and Video Nasties: The Definitive Guide 2. They are great documentaries with plenty of interviews, giving a wealth of information on censorship and the creation of film ratings. Along the way, I hope to give a little more information on the Video Recordings Act 1984 and on the nasties in general.

To avoid fainting, keep repeating,

It’s only a movie, only a movie……….

Hope you enjoy! – Lindsey Darvell

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Day 1: Flesh For Frankenstein (1973)

Day 2: The Funhouse (1981)

Day 3: Devil Hunter (1980)

Day 4: Cannibal Holocaust (1980)

Day 5: The Evil Dead (1981)

Day 6: Zombie Flesh Eaters (1979)

Day 7: Cannibal Ferox (1981)

Day 8: Tenebrae (1982)

Day 9: The Beyond (1981)

Day 10: A Bay of Blood (1971)

Day 11: Madhouse (1981)

Day 12: Anthropophagus (1980)

Day 13: Absurd (1981)

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