Morbidly Beautiful

Your Home for Horror

Sponsored Posts

Your support of Morbidly Beautiful is greatly appreciated! Learn about our sponsored post options and how to submit your order.

Morbidly Beautiful is a not-for-profit site. Our goal is to ensure the best possible user experience while keeping the focus squarely on high-quality, well-written, engaging content. We don’t allow intrusive banner ads or other content that detracts from the aesthetic appeal of the site or the readability of our articles.

In order to offset the costs of site maintenance, we do allow sponsored posts that meet our strict content requirements.

Please carefully review our terms below. We try to be as thorough as possible to ensure you have all the necessary information. Please also note that our pricing is firm.

Sponsored Articles (Content Provided by You)

We accept guest posts with do-follow links if the content is appropriate for our audience. The article submitted must be horror related and appropriate for our audience. The inclusion of the link must feel organic to the story, and your article cannot read like an advertisement for your product or service.

The cost is $100 USD per post and includes the following key benefits:

  • permanent archive on our site
  • the article will appear at the top of the page until other content pushes it down
  • the article will be shared on our social channels
  • the article will include professional graphics and SEO optimization
  • the article will be edited and formatted to look as professional as possible and seamlessly integrate with the rest of our site
  • if necessary, we will provide additional content for the article to ensure it is as engaging as possible for our audience — this is built into our price and the reason our fee is firm
  • the article will not appear as a paid or sponsored post
  • the cost is for one link; you may purchase an additional link for $25 or two additional links for $50
  • standard turn-time is 3-5 business days; you may request expedited posting for an additional fee as outlined in our order form

Please take note of the following additional guidelines: 

1. There is no restriction on links as long as the content isn’t obscene or illegal. Our fee is the same for all content (including casino links) as long as our guidelines are followed.

2. Our only caveat is that the link must be well integrated into the content, and none of the actual content can revolve around promoting the link. The article cannot read like an advertisement.

3. We reserve the right to edit content and rewrite it as needed. But we will share an unpublished draft of any edited content before publishing. If editing is not allowed, you may indicate this on the order form, but we reserve the right to refuse your content if it does not meet our publication guidelines.

4. All links are do-follow, and all articles are properly indexed and SEO optimized.

5. All content will appear to be written by a member of our team. It will not be labeled as a guest or sponsored. All content will appear completely organic to the site and will receive the same loving cared, editing, optimization, and promotion as all our other content. You may select your author preferences on our order form.

6. Our rate is fair and firm and is based on the amount of work that goes into reviewing, editing, formatting, and preparing these articles.

A note about pricing:

Please note we do not offer discounted pricing. Our rate is a fair market rate based on the amount of work needed to edit, format, and get an article publication-ready while ensuring it’s engaging for our audience and gets as much viewership as possible. While we may offer small discounts for repeat customers who consistently deliver high-quality content, we don’t do this for new partners. Experience has shown that most articles submitted require quite a bit of editing and copywriting to get them publication-ready. Many clients consistently pay our standard rate and get great results. We must be fair to them and respectfully ask new partners to respect the quoted rate or choose not to work with us if we are out of your price range. If you do want to work with us but need a lower point of entry, we do offer the inclusion of a link to an existing article, organically included in a way that makes sense for the article and does not appear as an ad. We can do this for $50. See below for more details.

Custom Content with Link Insertion (Written by us)

If you’d like to purchase an article and have one of our talented staff writers or our editor write it for you, we would be happy to do so for an additional $50 fee ($150 total for one link; add an addition $25 for two links and an additional $50 for three links). You may select the link you’d like to have included in the article and your desired anchor text (if applicable), and we will write a high-quality, highly relevant article based on your link (i.e., an article related to gaming for a casino link). All the other terms outlined above apply to this option.

Link Insertion (Existing article)

Link inclusion in an existing article is $50 per link. We ask that you allow us to select the appropriate article for inclusion based on. your link. You will have the option to approve the article prior to republication with your link. Note that many articles are ineligible for link insertion, including other sponsored posts or articles written by writers who have requested their articles not be edited after publication. We will make every effort to insert your link in a newer article. However, your link may be inserted into an older article. In this case, we will update the date on the article to the new date of posting and reshare it on our home page and social channels so that it shows back up at the top of feeds, gets the added SEO boost, and doesn’t stay buried.


Here are examples of sponsored posts previously published for quality review:

Please complete our user-friendly request form below.

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