Morbidly Beautiful

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This week, we travel back in time to honor an indie icon, Roger Corman, and begin a month-long series dedicated to 70s horror.

This week, in our retro movie spotlight, we pay tribute to the legendary Roger Corman, who recently passed away on May 9, 2024, leaving behind a remarkable legacy.

When you are going to review a Roger Corman movie, it is hard to decide what to do. There are just so many of them. And his resume is so varied that even the most cursory look involves diving into a deep rabbit hole. So we decided to go with one that starred Jack Nicholson, Boris Karloff, and Dick Miller.

Little did we know there was more to The Terror than just a bunch of famous names.

After six directors, nine months, and days of filming without an actual script, the movie hit theaters. Unsurprisingly, it is not very good, but how well did its strong cast fare? Corman wanted his own take on Edgar Allen Poe, which he did manage to pull off, but the way he did it will surprise you (or not if you know anything about Corman’s methods). Do modern eyes have a different take on The Terror?

You can watch The Terror on Tubi.

Watch the trailer.

We kick off “Home is where the DIE! is” Month with a dip back into the well of obscure 70s horror. 

Over the course of five years and almost three hundred episodes, we have covered all sorts of topics. Most recently, we had Bruceploitation Month, but we have also done Black Horror, LGBTQ Horror, and Trucksploitation. It is so difficult that it took one of our loyal listeners to point out that we had never covered movies made in the area where we grew up (70s).

We begin with a movie that has been on our radar. While 1972’s Gargoyles was not what we specifically had in mind, we have wanted to cover a made-for-TV movie for a long time. Lucky for us, we were able to find one that was filmed in Carlsbad Caverns and Laredo.

With special effects done by the Academy Award-winning Stan Winston (who also won a Primetime Emmy for his work here), Bernie Casey playing a winged gargoyle who rides a horse, and plenty of halter tops, the film does everything it can to pull in eyeballs.

Despite the strange use of slow motion, the plot moves quickly. Is it an overlooked treasure of Southwest cinema, or is it best left in the 70s?

You can watch Gargoyles on Tubi.

Watch the trailer.


Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror.

Intro by Julio Mena: Bandcamp | Instagram

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