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Killer Klowns from Outer Space

“Killer Klowns” is revitalized for a whole new generation through its new multi-player game, which is essential for horror gamers.

Killer Klowns

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With gameplay reminiscent of those before it — such as Dead By Daylight, Friday the 13th, Evil Dead, and The Texas Chainsaw MassacreKiller Klowns From Outer Space puts fans in the shoes of either the killer or a survivor, which seems to be very popular among horror gamers these days.

The original film from 1988 centers around a small group of youngsters going about their everyday antics. When aliens, who happen to look like clowns, crash land and start killing people, it’s up to them to fight for survival and save everyone they can.

For the game adaptation of the cult classic film, you are either selected as part of the Klowns or the humans whose one main goal is simply trying to escape.

With my experiences playing the game during the pre-release demo, it was fairly even on which side I played. This is something I appreciated based on my frustration playing similar games where I struggled to get the chance to play as the villain.

Regardless of which side you end up on, there are plenty of tasks to achieve, ensuring you will never run out of things within the matches.

As a human, you’ll spend time scurrying around trying to find weapons, health, and task-related items.

The thrill of staying quiet was a unique experience that added extra pressure and became very tense. Once captured after a cat-and-mouse chase from the Klowns, you’ll eventually get cocooned in the iconic cotton candy. A neat little voice chat feature muffles your speech and adds much to the immersion.

On the flip side, the Klowns were menacing, and tracking down other players was great fun. Iconic weapons from the film, such as the raygun and popcorn cannon, are used hand in hand with highly detailed maps.

It seems like a lot of love has gone into transferring the same camp, fun, and thrills from the film into the game.

The online gameplay runs smoothly, and being able to talk to fellow teammates adds a level of charm. You work together as humans or Klowns to reach the same goal and rescue those in need. Even if you get caught and killed, there are retro-feeling mini-games to occupy your time. Once beaten, you can help your team or keep special perks and items you have won for yourself.

Being able to customize your characters, down to their weapons and character perks, makes it a lot more personal. You get to control what aspect you want to focus on, whether you’re the brawler or have better agility. You get different clothing, hair, abilities, and more as you level up.

This drives the player to keep on going, which is very easy to do; I found myself constantly reloading into the next match once one had finished.

This game captures the essence of the original film, transporting the player right to the center of nostalgia. For fans of horror films, the neat little easter eggs, maps, costumes, and characters make it fun to return to the game often.

As a diehard fan of the film, it was such a delight to get a chance to experience this game early. I can say with a hand-on-heart that you won’t be disappointed.

I thoroughly enjoyed this game, and with its high replayability, I will definitely continue to level up for those unlockables and trophies.

Overall Rating (Out of 5 Butterflies): 4.5

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