Morbidly Beautiful

Your Home for Horror


Think your job is soul suckingly bad? You might feel better about it after this week’s discussion of the horror comedy “Bloodsucking Bastards”.

This podcast, it will suck the life out of you.


This week on They Mostly Podcast at Night, grab all the Red Bull your heart can handle, your sales records from the last quarter, and all the wooden stakes you can find, because not only is your job in danger, but your very humanity, in Bloodsucking Bastards.

If you are a new listener to the PaNcast, be aware there are spoilers and expletives ahead! We break down the movie, go through a summary, offer analysis, trivia, arbitrary awards, reviews, ratings, fanfiction and more!

“Fran Kranz and friends work for a telemarketing group. A vampire takes over, and things go awry.” – Carnage’s Five Second Summary.

Evan is acting sales manager at a telemarketing firm selling ‘dick pills.’ His best friend Tim and girlfriend Amanda work there, too. It’s a boring job, but pretty fun, until 3 things happen to Evan all at once: He loses his girlfriend, he gets passed over for the sales manager job, and the new sales manager is his old college rival.

But Evan’s small time work drama is about to be overshadowed. Losing a promotion to a guy who slept with your girlfriend is bad enough, but now that Max is around, Evan’s coworkers are literally dropping dead around him.

The others left are suddenly showing new energy and focus for their jobs, becoming model employees. Too bad they are vampires.

Yes, Max is a vampire, and his motivating strategy is just to make most of the company into the undead! Can Evan and his coworkers left take the company back from Max and the vamps, or will they all lose their lives for their crappy jobs? Go watch this movie and find out, and then come back for discussion with us!

Bloodsucking Bastards is currently streaming on Tubi and Prime! Join us next week for Session 9, streaming on Netflix.

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