Morbidly Beautiful

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Ominous Origins

It’s been a while since we’ve explored ancient mythology, and who better to welcome us back than the supreme goddess of love and war, Ishtar?

After a long delay due to… life… I’m back with an episode that is sort of a shout-out to the origins of this podcast: Ancient Myths! Specifically, we’re going to be talking about Mesopotamia. I really do love this era, and it’s sort of like the origins of all modern cultural lore.

For this episode, we’re diving into the Wonder Woman of ancient history: Ishtar. She was the goddess of love but also war! How cool is that? She’s both a lover and a fighter, which is super badass. Anyway, listen to the episode for all the goodies.


Ominous Origins

Welcome to the Ominous Origins Podcast, a Horror Shots production. If you were previously a fan of the Horror Shots Podcast, this is the same great show with the same compelling content focused on myth, mysterious creatures, unexplained events, spooky stories — and even some of the strangest and most disturbing true crime stories. As always, our goal is to entertain but also to enlighten with short, well-researched episodes on a variety of fascinating topics.

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Note: If you want to catch up on previous episodes, you can find them all at

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