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Ready for the next must-see film of the year? Watch the arresting trailer for the fantasy film “Moon Garden” and prepare to be transformed.

Moon Garden

Have you ever watched a trailer for a film you knew would change your life — a trailer so spectacularly beautiful and moving that you felt like you had an entire cinematic experience before even watching the movie?

I recently had one such experience.

There have been plenty of films I was hyped about prior to release. Usually, this results from the early festival buzz, a particularly talented filmmaker behind the helm, and/or a film with a marketing juggernaut behind it. Sometimes, a trailer just looks really cool, and that may be enough to pique my initial interest.

But rarely does a trailer alone, absent any other publicity, move a film so immediately to the top of my must-see list.

Releasing via Oscilloscope this Spring, MOON GARDEN was not on my radar in the slightest.

I was fortunate enough to have a PR rep I respect a great deal reach out to me, knowing it might be a film up my alley based on the kind of movies I usually swoon over.

I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a rep say something to the effect of, “Just watch the trailer, and you’ll be in love.” Given the rarity of such a sales pitch, I was certainly intrigued.

So, I dropped everything and watched this trailer for a movie I’d never heard of.



I can’t remember the last time a trailer took my breath away. I was completely captivated and emotionally invested. In just over two minutes, I was taken on a journey that left me spellbound and gobsmacked. 

I even got teary-eyed watching this, which sounds unbelievable but is entirely true.

When this video was pitched to me, I was promised, “It’s so gorgeous, it hurts,” and there’s not an ounce of overstatement in that summation. It’s a spectacularly beautiful trailer that portends a wholly original work of deeply affecting art.

I’m embarrassed this film, which has already generated some impressive critical buzz, has evaded me up until this point. But I am fully on board the hype train now and counting the days until I can see this one.

Ryan Stevens Harris’ fantasy film Moon Garden was highlighted at the 2022 FilmQuest Film Festival, a festival known for celebrating the majesty of genre filmmaking in the realms of fantasy, horror, and sci-fi.

Harris, who is known best for his editing work on Moonfall, directed, edited, and wrote “Moon Garden.”

The film stars Haven Lee Harris as a five-year-old girl who slips into a coma after a terrible accident at home and then has to journey through an industrial dream world to find her way back to consciousness. 

Harris filmed Moon Garden on expired 35mm film stock with vintage rehoused lenses to create a unique odyssey. He had this to say about the project:

“MOON GARDEN is a unique project, years in the making—a dark fantasy dashed with bittersweet drama, filtered through the dark lens of a midnight movie.” – Ryan Stevens Harris

Oscilloscope Laboratories picked up the film in November. Dan Berger of Oscilloscope said:

“MOON GARDEN is a sight to behold. A long-gestating labor of love, Ryan’s film has all the pomp of a $100m studio sci-fi epic but a tactileness that studios could never achieve. You can feel the sweat poured into every frame to render this deeply touching, deeply strange, and deeply resonant film that is clearly the work of a visionary. We can’t wait to bring this to audiences far and wide.”

As of right now, there is no official release date, but we promise to keep you posted as soon as we know when you can see what promises to be a mesmerizing and visionary film.

You can check out the jaw-dropping trailer for the film below. 

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