Morbidly Beautiful

Your Home for Horror


The imaginative and entertaining “Lifeforce” is a vampire horror/sci-fi gem from a couple of genre giants that’s a bloody good time.


We begin our “Spookshow Sucky Summer” vampire movie summer-long series with our latest Cannon Fodder entry, LIFEFORCE (1985)! What better way to kick off the summer than with a Cannon Films space vampire flick.


Lifeforce is a 1985 British science fiction horror film directed by Tobe Hooper (The Texas Chain Saw Massacre, Poltergeist) and adapted by the legendary Dan O’Bannon (Alien, The Return of the Living Dead) and Don Jakoby.

Based on Colin Wilson’s 1976 novel The Space Vampires, the film portrays the events that unfold after a trio of humanoids in a state of suspended animation are brought to Earth after being discovered in the hold of an alien spaceship by the crew of a European Space Shuttle.

Two cuts of Lifeforce were released: a 116-minute “international cut” and a 101-minute cut ordered by American distributor TriStar Pictures for the film’s theatrical release in the United States.

Lifeforce received generally negative reviews and was a box office failure, but it has since become a cult film.


All-American Spookshow

The Spookshow is a collection of guys (and, now, one incredible lady!) with varying degrees of Horror fandom. Since 2018, we’ve reviewed Horror, Cult, Action flicks, and, of course, total crap, so you don’t have to, but we encourage you to nonetheless. If you’ve listened to us before, thank you! If you’re new to our brand of stupidity, then welcome. We want you to enjoy watching these films with us; join us in having fun with them & learning about them as well.

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