Morbidly Beautiful

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Predators abound, from lethal lovers in our Pride Month pick “What Keeps You Alive” to mutant snakes in our retro rewind with “The Curse 2”.

It’s Pride Month, so we checked out the 2018 psychological horror/suspense thriller from Colin Minhan (Grave Encounters, It Stains the Sands Red), What Keeps You Alive. It stars Hannah Emily Anderson and Brittany Allen as a same-sex married couple celebrating their first anniversary at a remote cabin belonging to Jackie’s family. Jules begins to suspect something isn’t quite right with her wife, and a romantic weekend becomes a harrowing fight for survival when Jules’ real intentions are revealed.

You can pinpoint the exact moment What Keeps You Alive peaks.

Everything up to that moment is tension-filled and exciting. The film is beautifully shot and presents an interesting set of characters. It is familiar but still does its own thing. Regrettably, it falls right off a cliff soon after.

Things go on for too long, the writing gives away too much, and the ending is unsatisfying. It is a classic case of going out with a whimper instead of a bang. And it ruins all the goodwill that had been built up over the course of the previous hour plus. Tack on the strange addition of 1990s Australian rock band Silverchair, and you have a head-scratching finale.

You can watch What Keeps You Alive on AMC+ or rent on VOD.

Watch the trailer.

We continue “Home is where the DIE! is” Month with another look back at the horror films of our youth.  

Curse 2

We were really looking forward to diving into 1989’s The Curse II: The Bite, also known simply as The Bite.

This horror film, directed by Frederico Prosperi (credited as Fred Goodwin), is the second entry in the Curse tetralogy, a rebranding of unrelated films for marketing purposes. In the film, two young lovers are traveling through the desert in New Mexico when they unwittingly pass through an abandoned nuclear test site which has become a breeding ground for deadly mutant killer snakes.

It’s a film with a lot going for it—at least in our books. It is a B-horror, stars scream queen Jill Schoelen (The Stepfather, Popcorn), and is part of a franchise. The fact that it was filmed and takes place in Las Cruces only added to our anticipation.

Little did we know the movie would also have Jaime Farr of MAS*H fame in one of the most ridiculously awesome subplots ever, some unironically awesome special effects, and a look at late 80s trucker culture.

The Curse II: The Bite isn’t available to stream, but you can watch it in full on YouTube.

Watch the trailer.


Adventures in Movies! is hosted by Nathaniel and Blake. You can find Nathaniel on Instagram at nathaninpoortaste. Blake can be found on Twitter @foureyedhorror and on Instagram at foureyedhorror.

Intro by Julio Mena: Bandcamp | Instagram

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