Morbidly Beautiful

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Come creep out with us as we let the skin-crawlingly effective ’80s ecological horror nightmare “The Nest” get completely under our skin.

Join your host, Drek, and special guest/fellow Morbidly Beautiful writer and podcaster S Michael Simms ( The Scared Shitless Podcast) for a look at the unnerving and inventive sci-fi ecological horror film from 1988, The Nest.

Show Notes From Drek:

Directed by Terence H. Winkless, The Nest (1988) masterfully blurs the line between practical effects and genuine arthropod dread, resulting in a uniquely memorable cinematic experience.

One of the most distinctive features of the film is the decision to employ actual cockroaches in certain scenes. In an era when computer-generated imagery (CGI) was not readily available, the filmmakers opted for a more hands-on and authentic approach. They introduced these real, unsettling creatures into the narrative, turning them into nightmarish harbingers of terror.

The practical effects extend beyond the use of real cockroaches. We also see a host of grotesque and terrifying creatures meticulously crafted by the special effects team. These creatures, which share the screen with their real-life counterparts, contribute to the film’s ability to create an atmosphere of visceral horror.

The integration of practical effects and live insects allows the audience to feel an uncomfortable closeness to the horrors unfolding on screen.

Set in the seemingly tranquil island town of North Port, the film unleashes a nightmare scenario involving an invasive species of genetically modified cockroaches.

The Nest

This ecological horror element taps into our fears of nature’s retaliation against human interference. It adds layers of depth to the narrative, transforming it into more than just a creature feature and instead an exploration of ecological anxieties.

While The Nest undoubtedly falls into the creature feature category, it does not neglect character development.

The film introduces a cast of well-rounded and relatable characters thrust into the unimaginable. Their struggles, interpersonal dynamics, and desperate attempts to survive contribute emotional weight to the story, elevating it beyond mere monster mayhem.

By combining spine-tingling elements with ecological horror themes and well-developed characters, the film offers a unique and suspenseful viewing experience.

If you’re a fan of creature features that push the boundaries of practical effects and venture into the disturbing realm of real insects, The Nest is a cinematic journey worth embarking upon.



As always, be sure to send suggestions for any movies you’d like to see covered on the podcast. You can find all of Drek’s socials, links to past episodes, and even an option to leave a voice message on his show page here.

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