Morbidly Beautiful

Your Home for Horror


This installment of the Girls Guide to Horror features brilliant bloodsuckers — vampire films old and new that every genre fan should know.

We started by looking at teenage terrors and then moved to foundational horror classics, followed by essential foreign frights, gothic genre gems, and creature features. For part 5 of the “Girls Guide to Horror”, we’re recommending vampire films worth sinking your teeth into.

In the last installment, we looked at creature features in general, but today, we will give a peek at a horror staple that is sure to entice. Every good budding horror fan has been obsessed with vampire films; if you haven’t yet, it’s a great time to start.

Vampires are a wonderful subgenre all to themselves. I can fondly remember my days as a teen when a vampire media renaissance was booming, and we all were waxing poetic about having our very own bloodsucking eternal partner. It’s nice to revisit the allure of vampires and get sucked into the sometimes over-the-top vampiric antics.

For the sake of my sweet former thirteen-year-old self, we’ll skip Twilight and give some more esoteric fare a try since we’re all familiar with the eternally meme-able adaptation of Stephenie Meyer’s teen vampire sensation.

Don’t see your favorite vampire film? It’s possibly in one of my previous installments. (Let the Right One In can be found in the Foreign Frights guide, and Let’s Scare Jessica to Death and Ganja and Hess are in the Core Classics guide.)

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