Morbidly Beautiful

Your Home for Horror


Elizabeth McCafferty

Our special Women in Horror spotlight series continues with the very talented and delightful British actress and filmmaker Elizabeth McCafferty (54 min) (2.19.20).

Ominous Origins

Welcome to the Ominous Origins Podcast, a Horror Shots production. If you were previously a fan of the Horror Shots Podcast, this is the same great show with the same compelling content focused on myth, mysterious creatures, unexplained events, spooky stories — and even some of the strangest and most disturbing true crime stories. As always, our goal is to entertain, but also to enlighten with short, well-researched episodes on a variety of fascinating topics.

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The great thing about this Women in Horror Month interview series is all the people I get to meet, and I couldn’t be happier about sitting down with Elizabeth McCafferty. She’s a British actress and filmmaker with a passion for feminist horror. She’s had some roles in some pretty large movies, and continues to make her way through the world of filmmaking, but her upcoming project is something she feels very strongly about.

Elizabeth is currently funding a project called Love You To Death on Indiegogo, which she describes as a neo-feminist horror flick that deals with revenge and cannibalism. In other words, sign me up! It sounds like an incredible project that hits all the right notes in the world of horror.

But she does need our help in getting it funded. As of writing this there is still 14 days left to donate, so I suggest doing so. Every little bit helps, and you’ll be able to find the link to it below.

But what about the interview itself? Well, it was maybe the most fun I’d had interviewing somebody in a long time.

All the interviews I’ve done so far have been absolutely outstanding, but Elizabeth had so many great stories to share, and we even had an accent face-off! And even though she was put on the spot, she delivered. We shared a laugh and talked about everything from her career to films, to her training and skills.

All in all, Elizabeth is the type of filmmaker that deserves a chance, that deserves to really show the world what she can do, and we can help her with that by funding her indiegogo campaign. I would love to see this movie made, both because it looks like a wonderful piece of film, but also because Elizabeth is such a genuine and remarkable person.

Love You To Death Indiegogo:–2#/

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