Morbidly Beautiful

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“Come True” is a surreal, nightmarish horror film that will envelop you in its darkness and keep you mesmerized from beginning to end.

Come True

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Welcome to Morbidly Beautiful’s Weird Wednesdays, where we try to find and deliver to you the absolute weirdest genre films imaginable. This week, we dive deep into the sleepwalking, retro-vibed nightmare that is 2021’s Come True.

This Canadian film has an extremely creepy vibe and atmosphere to it that many films of this type seem to have. No, I don’t mean Canadian films. I mean films about dreams.

Horror movies and movies involving dreams and the dreamworld always have a bizarre, dare I say, dream-like atmosphere about them, and Come True is no different. In fact, this surrealist effect is amplified by the film’s retro vibe and haunting synthwave score.

The film follows Sara Dunn (Julia Sarah Stone), a teenage runaway who sleeps in a sleeping bag at the edge of a slide in a playground. Sara is plagued by bizarre nightmares involving a creepy maze and a creepy door. Behind the door is a creepy black shadow with shining white eyes.

Sara sleeps where she can, including in class, and she spends her days avoiding her mother while sneaking into her house to bathe and eat.

After a bit of frustration, Sara stumbles upon an advertisement for a sleep study, which seems to be the resolution to all her homeless, teenage runaway woes.


The sleep study doctors put Sara in a weird full-body suit and a helmet for studying her dreams — which only continue to get more and more creepy.

Those creepy dreams start involving longer mazes, more unnerving doors, and more of the unsettling white-eyed guys.

One day, the doctors show her images that they were able to capture from her dreams, and she has a panic attack. Sara soon finds out from one of the doctors, Riff (Landon Liboiron), that the sleep study is set up to record people’s dreams.

She also discovers that the mythical shadow guy of her dreams has appeared all throughout history, and the researchers are intent on studying him more.

This is when things get really weird.

First, everyone in the sleep study sees the shadowy guy at the same time. This causes Sara to bleed from one eye. Then Sara runs away from the sleep study, and everyone dreams the same dream again. This time, when they wake up, the shadowy figure shows up in the real world, causing Sara to pass out.

Creepy Doctor Riff takes her back to his house, where he records his own dreams.

This includes erotic dreams featuring Sara. They hook up, of course. But mid-coitus, Sara sees the shadowy figure in real life and again passes out.

Finally, Riff takes her to the hospital, where she starts sleepwalking. Riff then does the only logical thing: he calls the doctors at the sleep study to hook Sara up to the dream helmet, and they watch on a TV screen as she navigates through the creepy maze and through the creepy door.

From there, it only gets weirder as dreams and reality blur, and we are left with an ending that makes the viewer question if they themselves are dreaming.

I was perfectly blown away by this film. The atmosphere is ominous, dark, and creepy. The nightmare sequences were dread-inducing, while the real-world sequences were brightened only by the synth score and the retro technology.

4 out of 5 stars and a 6 out of 10 on the Hausu scale of weirdness.

Overall Rating (Out of 5 Butterflies): 4

Watch on Hulu or Shudder.

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